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Get filtered like skin with this facial

Joules MedSpa and Laser Center: vial of aqua gold

AquaGold can be confusing or seem complex. So we’re breaking it down.

AquaGold is a customized treatment with each ingredient targeting a specific skin concern. Below you’ll see the device where all your ingredients are put into.
Before we jump into what cocktail would be best for you lets briefly explain the AquaGold device.
AquaGold is a Fine Touch micro-channeling device. It holds the products that we choose. AquaGold then delivers these ingredients just below the skin’s surface (the epidermis) for longer-lasting results. The 24k Gold device has hair-like needles, making it a very comfortable treatment.
Because the AquaGold needles are specifically 600 micrometers (0.6 mm) long, this holds your favorite topicals longer.
Think of what you’re products do topically while they’re on your skin… imagine them just below the skin’s surface. This makes it last and works to its full effect.
AquaGold alone, because of the micro-injury helps plump and rejuvenate skin and boosts collagen production by rejuvenating skin. That’s a 2-in-1 treatment.
Now that you understand the device let’s talk about what we put in the device and why. 
Vitamin C – we use L-ascorbic acid, which is pure vitamin C, this is a brightening agent and antioxidant that helps lift some pigment and gives the skin an all-over glow. Note* Because this is not just typically, this doesn’t wear off in one day so you’re getting the benefits 24-
Glutathione – Glutathione is an antioxidant naturally found in human cells that neutralizes free radicals, boosts the immune system and detoxifies the body. It can also cause skin lightening by converting melanin to a lighter color and deactivating the enzyme tyrosinase, which helps produce the pigment.
Using glutathione in conjunction with Vitamin C is going to give your skin the ultimate glow.
LaMer serum: Some of you may be familiar with this high priced and very popular serum. We can add this to our AquaGold as well.
So think of what your favorite serum does topically… now imagine that going just below the epidermis. No need to spend $400 on their most popular serum when it’s included in your treatment. Learn more on LaMer here
Botox: Adding Botox offers many benefits. It’s also a great alternative for someone who doesn’t want to do injectables because Botox and filler are not injected into the muscle. It smooths and softens fine lines but doesn’t change movement or expression.
Botox also reduces pore size. This is the go-to ingredient for someone who is trying to tackle pore size.
Oily skin: If you are battling oily skin, Botox is naturally drying so stamping this in will slow oil production. We can do this in targeted areas like the T-Zone.
Dry Skin: If you’re dry and want to reduce pores but don’t want to get drier, Adding vitamin C and Glutathione will balance the 2 so you have a boost of hydration along with a reduction of pores.
Tightens: We use between 15-25 units to tighten and soften your skin – units depend on your skin’s condition. Up to 25 units are included with our menu pricing.
Some like to add more units for a tighter effect.
Filler: Adding filler to the AquaGold is going to give you that filtered like effect. This does not add volume like it would if it were injected. It helps fill in any surfacing issues – leaving you with an “airbrushed” effect.
Find your perfect recipe 
If you’re looking for a glow we would recommend our vitamin treatment.
Pores, tightening, oily skin – Botox
Pores, tightening and dry skin – Vitamins + Botox
Pores, glowing skin, tightening & Filtered like skin –  Filler + Botox + Vitamins.
Start your AquaGold Journey at Joules Medspa & enjoy our competitive pricing.
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