Revitalsh vs Latisse For Long Lashes

We are all about a good lash. We all want long thick beautiful lashes. We spend time and money looking for the best mascara, buying and applying false lashes, lash extensions, and the time spent on maintaining them. So if you’re already spending the money on those above, these lash serums will save you money, give you the results you desire and all from home.

And these 2 products below do just that. We have included facts and our opinions on pros and cons. In our spa, this is split 50/50. Well, maybe 60/40. But again, this is based on preference.

Revitalash vs. Latisse

Both formulations are intended to regrow thicker, longer lashes, but there are a couple key differences. The biggest difference is that Revitalash is available over the counter, and Latisse isn’t. However, they both contain substances that stimulate lash regrowth.

Pro with Latisse: The proprietary ingredient, bimatoprost, is patented by Allergan and in smaller volume bottles is marketed as the prescription glaucoma drug Lumigan. Allergan went through the process of FDA approval to be able to promote bimatoprost as a prescription for insufficient eyelashes. As such, Latisse is the ONLY FDA approved lash growth product.

Pro with Latisse: Buying an Allergan product earns you Brilliant Distinction points for your favorite services.

Con with Latisse: Being a prescription it’s harder to get. Although many spas and clinics offer it. Us at Joules Medspa included. Whereas Revitalsh and other lash serums may be more accessible.

So which one works better? That’s the big question

Latisse does work better for length because of their patented FDA approved product that no other growth serum can use.

Revitalsh has its own ingredients that provide length but not to the extent of Latisse given you use a tube of each product. Revitalash does offer softer lashes. And softer lashes make mascara glide on dreamy.

Which one works faster?

Latisse: Many report length showing in as little as 1-2 weeks.

Revitalsh many report thickness forming in 1-2 weeks, though their length results beginning around week 3-4.

More user friendly?

Revitalash is easy to apply and you don’t feel you’re wasting product, the small and easy to use applicator doesn’t absorb extra product. So many will find their product will last longer.

Latisse you receive individual applicators so you’re not using the same applicator on your eye over and over again (more sanitary) however their applicators are a bit bigger than Revitalash.

Tip: If the Latisse applicators seem to be too big for your liking you trim them to your liking. However, this isn’t a big concern. Just in comparison to Revitalsh, the product application may be easier for some.

Now with Latisse working faster and has the ability to grow them longer in one 3ml product vs one Revitalsh tube, many choose Latisse. And find that to be the most obvious answer to our lash dreams.

However, Latisse may come with side effects.

Irritation and side effects

Most find very little, if any discomfort with Revitalash. Latisse can make some have their eyes itch and subtle pinkness where the product is applied. This is most common in the first few days to a week (if at all) and in many this will subside.

Our final thoughts

If you want long lush lashes faster, Latisse is by far scientifically the best growth serum on the market. Making it worth the price tag. Right now grab it for $99

If you want an easier application and okay waiting a little longer for lush lashes to avoid any irritation than Revitalsh may be best for you. Right now grab it for $85

We love both! Some of us here are extra and have recently started using both. Revitalsh in the a.m for that lush softening Revitalsh offers and use Latisse in the p.m to get those lashes lengthen sooner. Or alter the days between products. Of course, you do NOT need both. Both of these alone are very loved products and both WORK individually.

Both take less than 15 seconds to apply. So much time you are saving keeping up with lash appointments.

You must use these consistently. Once you get to your desired length and thickness, start using every other day, then go to once a week for keeping them strong and long.

Which one are you lashin out to? Let us know what you like better!


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