Joules provides PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) as solutions for hair loss. PRP utilizes the healing properties of your body's plasma by drawing a small amount of blood, isolating its plasma in a centrifuge, and injecting the platelet-rich plasma into the scalp to stimulate hair follicles and enhance growth. PRF follows a similar method, but it involves spinning whole blood in a special tube to create a gel-like substance containing plasma and fibrin, which is then injected into the scalp. The fibrin acts as a scaffold, supporting the growth of new cells, including hair follicles.

Hair Restoration

For those suffering from hair loss, PRP/PRF injections can regrow your lost or thinning hair. This results in increased thickening of the hair shaft and a full head of hair.

PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy is a low risk, highly effective treatment for hair loss that is sweeping the hair replacement community. PRP is effective for both men and women at correcting established hair loss; or as a preventative treatment combating the very first signs of hair loss.

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. This plasma is the part of your blood that controls clotting and healing and stimulates the growth of new skin.

PRP Therapy has been used in the medical community for years as a way to decrease healing time for wounds. In fact, PRP therapy has had a strong presence in orthopedic medicine, dentistry, and reconstructive surgery fields for two decades.

Doctors in the hair replacement community have recently begun to explore the benefits of PRP on hair follicle stimulation and hair regrowth, and the results are remarkable.


Exosomes and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) are both hair loss treatments that use growth factors to promote hair growth. When combined with microneedling, they can help dormant hair follicles reactivate and produce new hair:

  • Exosomes

    These tiny molecules are found within stem cells and contain thousands of growth factors. They can be applied directly to the skin or after microneedling to signal dormant hair follicles and encourage new hair growth. Exosomes can be personalized to a patient's needs and may provide more consistent results than PRP because they aren't based on age.

  • PRP

    When injected into the scalp, PRP stimulates tissue repair and regeneration to strengthen and thicken hair. PRP therapy can also be combined with exosomes to activate dormant hair follicles. However, PRP may be less effective than exosomes because it uses growth factors based on a patient's age.


Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) for Hair Loss is a revolutionary, non-surgical therapeutic option for individuals experiencing hair thinning or loss. This innovative treatment is especially effective for conditions such as androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male and female pattern baldness, and alopecia areata. PRF therapy for hair loss involves a simple three-step process: drawing the patient’s blood, processing it to enrich platelets, and then injecting this platelet-rich fibrin back into the scalp where hair loss is observed. This process stimulates hair follicles to promote growth, making PRF an excellent option either as standalone therapy or in conjunction with other treatments like conventional therapy or hair transplantation.

In Apple Valley, Minnesota, Joules Medical Spa offers PRF for Hair Loss as a promising option. With minimal downtime and limited side effects, which may include some pain during treatment, headache, itching, swelling, and temporary discoloration, many patients find this to be a preferable alternative to more invasive procedures. Results can be observed as the scalp begins to heal and regenerate hair follicles, typically within a few weeks, with improvements continuing over several months. The longevity of results varies but can be sustained with follow-up treatments. We invite you to book an appointment with us at Joules Medical Spa to explore how PRF for Hair Loss can restore your confidence and hair density.

The Three-Step prp/prf process

When using any of our PRP/PRF treatments, your nurse will discuss the three-step process during your consultation and again before your procedure.

  1. One of our nurses will proceed to draw blood and put it into a centrifuge.

  2. After 10 to 15 minutes, the centrifuge will have separated your blood into three distinct layers: platelet-rich plasma or platelet-rich fibrin, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells.

  3. The platelet-rich plasma is drawn into a syringe and then injected into the targeted areas of your skin.

Treatment sessions usually last 45 minutes to one hour. Most patients notice tenderness and inflammation for a brief period, but this typically subsides within a few hours.


We offer solutions that are tailored to each client. Before we begin a PRP/PRF treatment, our nurses conduct a thorough evaluation to determine how many procedures you would require based on your unique needs

After these variables are evaluated, the overall course of treatment for your beauty and wellness needs is determined. The best part of this treatment is the many benefits that our clients receive:

  • Because PRP/PRF is autologous (it comes from your own body), the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal.

  • There is no downtime or activity restriction after treatment. Clients are free to act as they normally would several hours after treatment.

  • When performed properly, PRP/PRF therapy results in tighter skin, regrown hair, and an improved you.

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