Injection For Facial Rejuvenation
PRP Injection for Facial Rejuvenation
PRP is a natural alternative to synthetic fillers without the concern for allergic reactions. Platelets contain several growth factors that increase rebuilding of tissues over several months. When injected into the face, the growth factors in PRP stimulate new collagen and blood vessel formation.
New blood vessel formation improves the color and tone of the skin.
New collagen formation in the dermis lifts the face back to a more youthful shape.
The epidermis (outer most layers of your skin) appears smoother as the growth factors work to build up the dermis.
What are PRP Injections?
PRP is a natural alternative to synthetic fillers without the concern for allergic reactions. Platelets contain several growth factors that increase the rebuilding of tissues over several months. When injected into the face, the growth factors in PRP stimulate new collagen and blood vessel formation.
Your blood contains several products. In addition to red blood cells, there are white blood cells, platelets, and other matter. The platelets in your blood are integral to clotting and also to the production of healing growth factors. PRP injections are used in various areas of medicine, including hair restoration, orthopedic and regenerative medicine, and also in aesthetic medicine.
New blood vessel formation improves the color and tone of the skin.
New collagen formation in the dermis lifts the face back to a more youthful shape.
The epidermis (outer most layers of your skin) appears smoother as the growth factors work to build up the dermis.
How Do PRP Injections Work for Facial Rejuvenation?
Injections of platelet-rich plasma stimulate a healing response that increases circulation through the target area and brings more of the foundational proteins to your skin that are needed for firmness and elasticity. Over time, the supportive scaffold of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and other chemicals is remodeled naturally. This results in smoother, softer, more radiant and youthful-looking skin.
What Kind of Cosmetic Issues can PRP Injections Treat?
One of the benefits of PRP injections is that the product itself, taken from your own blood, has a synergistic effect in the target area. When tissue is infused with platelets, it stimulates a natural healing process that remodels the skin's foundation. Some of the common concerns that have been improved through PRP injections include:
Fine lines and wrinkles
Hyperpigmentation and sun damage
Uneven skin tone
Loose, thin skin
Acne scarring
Rough skin texture
Who is the Ideal Candidate for PRP Injections for Facial Rejuvenation?
If you are in good health and want to naturally rejuvenate your skin using your own powerful cells, you may be a good candidate for PRP injections. That said, to get optimal results from treatment, your platelets and stem cell activity must be efficient. Habits like smoking and consuming alcohol or nicotine can lower your platelet count and also blunt your body's capability to release stem cells. Without strong, healthy cellular activity, the results of PRP injections may be diminished.
To determine if you can get your desired results from PRP injections, give us a call and schedule a consultation with one of our experienced providers!
How Long Does the Procedure Take?
You can plan to be in the office for 60 to 90 minutes for your PRP injection treatment. This will allow sufficient time for your blood draw, the processing of your blood, the application of topical anesthetic if necessary, and your injections.
Are there any Side Effects of PRP Injections?
PRP injection treatment is appealing for several reasons. The lack of significant side effects is one of them. You might develop temporary redness and swelling after your injections.
When you get PRP injections for the first time, you may want to schedule a time when you can go home and observe your immediate response to treatment.
Generally, patients can immediately resume their normal activities after this type of facial rejuvenation.

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