Explore the benefits of Localized Cryotherapy and Facial Cryotherapy.

Benefits of Local Cryotherapy

Localized cryotherapy is similar to whole body cryotherapy, except the cold is applied through a small handheld device and targeted specifically where you need it the most providing you with the following benefits:

  • Reduce localized inflammation

  • Relieve pain from inflammation

  • Improve your physical performance

  • Feel immediate relief

  • Better blood circulation

  • Promote healing

Benefits of Facial Cryotherapy ‘Frotox’

Get the same effects as Botox without needles! Facial CryoTherapy is applied through a hand held device to the face, head and neck. Feel immediate tightness and relief.

  • Reduce appearance of scarring

  • Improve skin conditions

  • Headache and migraine relief

  • Get rid of wrinkles

  • Boost collagen production

  • Improve skin texture

  • Decreases puffiness

Get rid of those aching pains, and take care of your skin simultaneously. Improve your athletic performance and appearance all in just a matter of moments.

Look Like a New You with frotox

Local cryotherapy is used to reduce inflammation, boost collagen and scarring making it great for skin health and rejuvenation.

Live Pain Free

Certain parts of your body need more relief than others. Local cryotherapy targets specific areas on your skin to reduce pain where you need it the most.

Recover Like an Athlete

Local cryotherapy is used to minimize pain and swelling. Experience the healing benefits of this service after an extreme workout and receive the same recovery top-athletes use.

  • Local Cryotherapy provides the same key benefits as traditional cryotherapy. While whole body cryotherapy applies the cold to your entire body, localized cryotherapy targets specific parts of your body. Local cryotherapy helps you target the spots that need the most attention.

  • A localized cryotherapy session only takes minutes to complete and leaves you with benefits that far exceed what traditional icing can provide. Our guests frequently combine this with whole body cryotherapy, which similarly only takes a few minutes.

  • Local cryotherapy uses a small, handheld device to apply the cold nitrogen gas to a specific target area, such as the neck, elbow, knee, ankle, etc. This process increases blood flow to the targeted area and boosts your body's natural healing processes.

  • Localized cryotherapy exposes your skin the extreme cold. Our highly trained staff will talk you through the process and ensure you have a comfortable experience. The area quickly rewarms after the session.

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